Tuesday, September 30, 2003

UGH! I hate this Journalism class this quarter...they're making me read the newspaper and actually care about what goes on in the world! I'm a YOUNG person, I only care about myself and my friends, not world events! ;K)
Anyways, they give a quiz every Tuesday on the Sunday paper...I took the paper in without checking to see if it was all there...and I was missing four or five sections. Missed two questions on the quiz...dangit!
Spent a lovely evening last night with a friend on the MUCKs I haven't seen in ages. Mmmm...I'll post the log later for whoever might like to see how...happy I was to see hir. ;K)
Well...suppose that's it. Work tomorrow, then school, then work, then weekend. I'll go get some new shoes, (the rubber in the heel *imploded* on my right shoe!) And maybe get my eyeglasses prescription updated.

Monday, September 29, 2003

Semi-lousy weekend. My cold flared up again, so I *did* miss church, but feel pretty rotten. Met some new furs online last night, renewed relationships with another. *waves to Irena*
I'm at work. Whee. I worked on my webpage s'more, filled out the Rants section, added backgrounds to the pages, (They're just colors at this point, but they look a lot better than slate-gray did.) If you want to see and are a consenting adult, http://animakitty.furrynet.com/Main.htm
I know not everything works yet.

UPDATE ON FFVII DVD: It's not a game. *pout* It's a 60 minute CG movie called Advent Children, due to come out 2004 in Japan. So, I'd estimate we'd have it six months after Japan does. (Fan-subs a lot sooner.) Even though it isn't a game, I'm still thrilled! Sephiroth and Cloud duking it out in beau-ti-ful CG goodness...pulling materia on each other... Yeah. I'm getting it. I will put it on a pedestal, arrange lettuce around it and call it George and it will be my best friend forever and ever and ever. :K)

Aaaaaaanyways...oh yeah. Work. I should prolly do some. Later!


Friday, September 26, 2003

Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. Okay...prepare to fall over and twitch in ecstatic shock.


Apparently...a FFVII DVD, Advent Children, (Unknown yet whether it's a movie, or a game) is on the way!!!!! WOOT! This is the best news I've gotten since....umm...my last dentist visit. No cavities!

This is incredible. This made my Friday, like, infinitely cooler. WHEN WILL THIS BE OUT IN THE US?!!! Oh GOD tell me!!
I am sane. But I have a problem. I'm a Final Fantasy addict...(except for FFX...that was some bad stuff...laced, or cut with something nasty.)

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Well, I worked on my webpage yesterday, and now have the stories page and the images page pretty much working. :K) It isn't a site for kiddies, so don't go poking around there if it's still 3 years 'til you can drink. Legally.

I'm very aware that some links don't work. I'm also aware that for some people, the images won't load. Still have no clue about that one....
Things yet to do: Put links in the link page; get a counter; get a guestbook; add good looking backgrounds; probably move the image page to links instead of inserted images (It's a lot of art to load at one time); maybe join a webring.

I used a program from Sausage software to do it all, and it's a nice little package, even if it is infernally annoying sometimes. Did you know that website names are case sensitive? This thing sometimes lowercases stuff you wanted uppercase! And won't let you change it unless you edit the HTML directly. :KP

Anyways, I got in really late to work this morning due to an accident on my usual road in. See, down in good 'ol New Lebanon, you have to drive four miles out of your way to find a road that runs parallel to your original road, so you can bypass it.

Dreading a long day,

Monday, September 22, 2003

Ooh, lookit, I finally managed to change those pesky 'Edit-me' links. Now I can do some serious....um...enhancing. o,O

Well, now it's Monday again. Rrf.
I met some furs at BW3's this past Saturday, and had a lot of fun. :K) It's always neat to find some company where you can freely talk about porn, and laugh about it.
Also foolishly ordered more computer crap online...rrf. Might meet Asmo this Thursday for something, but who knows what; I'm so wasted after a day of classes.
I wrote some Final Fantasy 8 fanfiction at work, and sent it to a site...haven't heard back from them yet. Looking at what they *have* posted though, I think I'm a shoe-in. At the moment I'm working on my webpage, as I finally found a place to host me! Whee!
:K) I'll post the link here when I'm done, and no sooner. Don't expect much, I'm lousy at webdesign.



Friday, September 19, 2003

It's Friday! Ugh. Tomorrow I'm heading to BW3's to meet some local furs, so that's good. But I also have to pick up a battery for the Toyota, which died yesterday after I parked it at school. Dad came and...um...'fixed it' by clamping the battery connection on with a pair of vicegrips (They're like an evil version of pliers) and taping the vicegrips so they wouldn't short out the battery when the hood came down. I was extremely careful going over bumps on the way home. o,O
Played some more Final Fantasy 8 last night, won some more cards. Man those card games tick me off...but I WANT those rare cards! Anyways, the Playstation crashed after I solved the fourth Chocobo forest, so I gave up on it for the night.
School started Tuesday. I have English, History, French, and Journalism, in that order. I go Tuesday and Thursday, and work the other weekdays at the base.
The classes are all close together, usually just one building apart, so that's good. But time-wise, they're screwed up. After History, I have two hours before French. And after French? 2 hours and 15 minutes. Excellent opportunity to do my homework! *BARF*. I sleep or read.
I will try not to eat at the cafeteria again. They charged me five bucks for a bowl of rice and chicken! That's just the bowl too, no drink, no fortune cookie... Bah.
The other day I read about a new RAM product from XMS, with LED's on the heatsinks! They measure memory activity. Silly, and expensive, but I bet they'd look pretty cool...

Okie. Enough for now. I ought to be working...


Monday, September 15, 2003

Well, welcome to my blog. I'm Anima, generally a black panther around the WWW, (I'm a furry. If you don't know what a furry is, you probably haven't been around the internet too long.) For those not in the know, furries are people who identify strongly with animals, and the results of that identification run the gamut from 'Giving yourself an anthropomorphized animal persona,' (Think bugs bunny, but usually less cartoony. Bugs is a talking, walking, human-like rabbit.) to romantic relations with stuffed animals (plushies) to dressing up in full-body fursuits (Like mascots) and attending conventions hosted by like-minded folks.

That's one of the most important things about me, out of the way. I'm a writer, (self-styled? Well, a few other people agree that I'm a writer, so I feel justified claiming the title) and I write poetry, sci-fi, fantasy, and erotica.

I'm also a geek. (Isn't anyone with a Blog a geek?) I like screwing around with my computer, upgrading and/or modding it. I game a bit, and surf the web to an unhealthy degree.

I'm male, 20 years old in dreary Real Life, and a junior in college. Once I get my BA, I'll move out of my parent's basement and try to support myself, both with a 'real job', and my writing.

Now, the reason this post is so frickin long is because I get nervous when meeting new people, and tend to talk a lot. So, future posts will likely be shorter. :K)

Before anyone asks, my :K) smiley is a cat, with whiskers. I chose not to use the more common :X) Because I think it looks like someone right after plastic surgery.

I'm on IM services like AIM and Yahoo as Animakitty. If you want my ICQ number, you'll have to prove you aren't an automated smut-site script. (Still embarrasses me to think she had me going for five minutes...)

Ta ta for now!
